Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Recent thoughts and updates

  • Taking music lessons on various styles such as,
Jazz, Blues, Rock, Finger picking, Gospel, Rock.......
Probably gonna get a cert to please my parents as the fee is quite expensive but I know that I can do all things through Christ whom empower me, and that He shall provide my family with financial help whenever HE deemed fit.

  • I lost my wallet
but it taught me to me more cautions and to handle my money with a humble heart as I experience one day without any money but I learned to depend on HIM and to be encouraged all the time without grumbling and blaming on this and that. I was reading Matthew and Mark on the subject of discipleship and "to gain is to lose". hehe baoyu laoshi said I was happy go lucky but I beg to defer I will say "Blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted", I was really sad but the LORD comforted me with HIS word, blessings and wisdom that I may follow and serve.

  • Gonna take over gym for a few days
Brethren and sisters do pray that I may have wisdom to take over this business for a few days and that I don't need to work on Sats and Sundays all the time.

  • Need protection and guidances
Well its been a long time since I really long for a relationship or to get to know more women but I do pray that I will be armed with the full armor of GOD to prevent myself from any temptation that is physical or mental as we humans are made in that way. But the focus now for me should be on GOD and to live a life of light not on women, Btw I am not gay, many people in my class super long time ago voted in friendster that I am gay but I I will say someting lol "Do not judge so that you will not be judged for in the way you judge you will be judged and by your standard of measure it will be measured to you"Matthew 7:1-2
If you hang around me you probably know that I like girls :)

  • Went to see a dentist
The dentist was a girl , was kinda shocked but I rather enjoyed the treatment as the dentist was a "singsong" and cheerful type always singing and chatting.

Well time for me to go bye :)

May you be blessed with the light of the FATHER that you may let the world see your brightness and be attratched to you :)


Wow time passes really fast nowadays, today I will be going for music lessons to upgrade myself for the serving of GOD's church. I am not sure if I have talent but I will try to practice so I can use the skills to serve, There are probably only 3 musicians in the whole church of 120 people. Jacob. HY. Henry, I think many small steps will lead to a big change :)

But the key is everyone in church must act as one, Ephesians really encourages me after I read it these two days. this letter was written by paul in prison, it encourages in many ways and tells us how we should thank GOD and be ENCOURAGED to serve HIM, for through Jesus we are
  • Redeemed and forgiven through His blood(1:7)
  • Blessed with every spiritual blessing(1:3)
  • Received an inheritance by HIM(1:11)
  • Salvation which is sealed with the Holy Spirit(1:13)
We HAVE SOOOOO MANY BLESSINGS as christians!!!!why grumble anymore :)

The church must accept change, I know and understand that elders and old folks complains alot when there are changes in the church but we should do what GOD think is the best not what we think is the best, Sunday I had a conversation with a sister and talked about many POSSIBLITIES :)

1) What if the church does some changes in worship, ministry, sermons

There will be many complains and people will not accept.

Then I was thinking about Moses, when he lead the jews out of egypt and they will not accept changes and GOD so they disobeyed and also complained why there is no food,meat,water etc

GOD striked them Hard , with fire, pests.....

We must SUBMIT to GOD and not rely on our own wisdom so we can do everything right :)

And we will have no reasons for GOD to punish us :) inso Pleasing the LORD, in which we are supposed to.

So if a church does not rely on GOD's instruction then there will be trouble, so the question is "how do we know what the LORD wants" I believe there are 3 sources

1 Bible
2 Prayer
3 Meetings and talks

In so I will keep all of you my brethren and sisters in prayer than you may see with your own eyes and be filled with wisdom to know the calling of the LORD and the riches and the inheritance of HIS glory amen hallelujah blessed be the name of our LORD :)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Recent thoughts

By far besides the Gospels the psalms and proverbs are my favorite books to read when I am free and wanna do something productive :)

Well recently I am HOOKED in praying and reading the bible , as I bought 2 books that teaches me how to effectively read the bible and to pray, but I have a problem that is I can't pray in public as my words will be like repetitive and stuttering....haha but I believe in GOD and in Matthew 17:20 "If you have faith the size of a mustard seed you will say to the this mountain, Move from here to there and it will movie and nothing will be impossible"My faith in GOD shall allow me to one day overcome my problems that I have now :)

Oh I do have some problem managing my funds and money as I always spend on the wrong stuff but I thank GOD it is now getting settled as I find myself with more ways to better handle it.

I am thinking to go through the book of Isaiah but I am not sure what method to use, May GOD tell me........


Today I will like to share my thoughts on the book of proverbs

I will slowly go by chapter to chapter as I feel that this book is really great, it basically teaches us to to prevent ourselves from the path of evil and how to be successful in life as a Christian and as a person.

Ok Proverbs Chapter 1

  • There are 33 verses
  • Written by King Solomon
  • Emphasis on preventing yourself from going along with evil minded people.
I will list out the more important verses.

The reason I don't put the whole thing down is to let you guys have a chance to flip and read the bible yourself so you can understand it deeper :)

Verses 1-6

3To (E)receive instruction in wise behavior,
(F)Righteousness, justice and equity;

A wise man will hear and (I)increase in learning,
And a (J)man of understanding will acquire wise counsel,

Tells us to know and receive wisdom/instruction in wise behavior, with integrity, a person who is arrogant and don't "behave" will find it hard to receive wisdom as his arrogance will make him think he is full of wisdom and when a cup is full it cannot be filled. In so we have always find the case where the older generation people or people who are from the high class find it hard to learn and understand at times as they cannot bring themselves down to the standard of "receiving" new "water".

The verses also tell us that a wise man will hear and INCREASE in learning, And these 6 verses tells us the BENEFITS of acquiring wisdom.

Verse 7
7(L)The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge;
Fools despise wisdom and instruction.
It is the most important verse to me because it tells the KEY to acquire wisdom.

So you ask "what is the fear of the LORD"
Fear what does it mean? Fear has many different meanings but the meaning when placed in this context is RESPECT!

It basically means Respecting and bowing down to the LORD is the BEGINNING to wisdom, when a man can lower himself and asks for the LORD's instruction, that man shall be BLESSED for in Matthew 7:7 it says "ask and it shall be given on to you, Seek and you shall FIND!

When you ask the LORD for wisdom it shall be given on to you!

"What is wisdom?"
Wisdom and intelligence are 2 different things, wisdom is by far I think even more as wisdom is HOW to use your intelligence, If a person has high intelligence but do not know how to use it , then its pointless, But if a person whom like solomon has high wisdom, that person will know how to Do/Find/Correct.....etc that person will know to to do everything that is pleasing in the sight of the LORD.

Verses 8-19
Warns us not to follow evil people no matter how TEMPTING and exciting it may be. For example a group of your friends ask you to join in to smuggle cigarettes and to sell them at a high price and you know it will succeed, even if it has a high chance of succeeding DO NOT FOLLOW in their footsteps, For it is said in the bible which is the word of GOD, that the path of the unrighteous is is death.

Verses 20-33
Says that wisdom will warn you in times of trouble, so don't worry for the LORD shall guide, however those who are evil when they try to go back it will be too late, but all is not lost as verse 23 says
23"Turn to my reproof,
Behold, I will (AF)pour out my spirit on you;
I will make my words known to you.
When you repent the LORD shall pour out the Holy Spirit to you and guide you :)

But if you still don't repent there will much suffering

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Today was a blessed day, I woke up at 1pm plus, thanked the LORD for rising me up and went to eat oat meal which I enjoyed alot as the taste was just so good, there are many times we take this for granted, You will not know how sweet water taste untill you ran a 10km marathon. I find no better metaphor than this.

Watched some TV and went to Tecman, I needed a Chinese bible as I was reading it in church and found the words so much easier to understand as I am a Chinese :) I also wanted to find a mini bible that is NASB version and thank GOD I got the 2 bibles I needed and some highlighters, there was a brethren in Christ, this guy was so friendly that I was shocked, it seems that guy was from a charismatic church in aljunied, anyways I had a chat and went off feeling happy, as Tecman sells resources at a relatively low price.

Went to mos burger and also watched a movie with my sister, Babylon AD, this movie was ok but I don't think it is a good movie if you want to learn something but if you have time on your hands go catch it.

Went home and did my bible studies, on Matthew chapters 7,8,9,10(10:19), Also did some studies on prayer at Luke 11 1-13, But my main bibe study that I will like to begin on is Isaiah 1-66 which is very difficult, It is basically split in to 3 parts

1 Chapters 1-39 Focus on how Israel have sinned and how the LORD will bring them back
2 Chapters 40-55 is when Babylonians took the Jews as captives and the LORD shall free them
3 Chapters 56-66 How GOD fulfilled HIS promise to the Jews.

Pray for me beloved that I may understand and apply it, I feel like the world now is like the olden days when the people were sinful and against the LORD and the world shall be judged by HIM in the days to come, so we really need to know what to do and how the LORD shall protect us, and I feel the essence of this is in the book or Isaiah.

Perhaps I need to set aside some time to study the bible from now on.
Oh I have a book on prayer that I will photocopy to dora after I finish it, I feel the need to learn how to pray so we can accomplish many things for the church and for the LORD, I noticed that the deacons and elders in the church know how to pray and I know that in 10 years time WE WILL be the elders and deacons so WE MUST KNOW HOW TO PRAY IN PUBLIC.

I am shy but I know it must be done some day so I will want to learn.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Matthew 10:37-39

Brothers and sisters in Christ, recently I have found that we Christian teens have been distracted by many many things in the world, and have wasted our time and emotions on many vain thoughts and ideas. So GOD gave me the inspiration and duty to share with you what I have learned.

Lets look at the word, Matthew 10:37-39

37"(BC)He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me; and he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me.

38"And (BD)he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me.

39"(BE)He who has found his life will lose it, and he who has lost his life for My sake will find it.

Lets expand each verse and learn it deeper.

[37] In verse 37, it says "He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me....." It means if a person does not LOVES the LORD wholeheartedly and focus all his/her Resources, Emotions,Thoughts on HIM, that person is not worthy and cannot follow HIM. Haha it does not tell you to hate your parents or forsake your friends but rather to put your PASSION on the LORD Jesus Christ.

There are many times in life whereby I see a younger brethren or sister so DEEP and passionate on worldly things like video games, studies and the most common thing is Boy Girl Relationships. Have you ever heard them saying "oh how can I live without him/her", "oh I love him/her so much".... Oh what an ABOMINATION this sounds to me and to see that I ONCE WAS LIKE THAT....may GOD forgive us, but I am not saying that these things are evil and sinful but what I am trying to say is that these things must have a BALANCE in HIM.

Have you loved a person/object and put your PASSION on that person/object that you FORGET GOD and that it was GOD who first LOVED you!!! Oh may GOD open our eyes and see that everything that is not on GOD is vain and useless.

So many things distract us but in the END we must still die and return to HIM our eternal GOD, if we place so much passion in vain things how can we fulfill our PURPOSE for the LORD.

ok now you may ask me "how do I apply", I tell you, ask that the LORD will forgive you for putting so much passion on vain things and follow HIM, DESIRE HIM, Study HIM, Love HIM, Focus on HIM. and PRAY that HE use you for his glory and don't place so much emphasis on the WORLD and what the world brainwashes you to believe and obey the LORD.

[38] And (BD)he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me.

This life as a Christian is NOT an easy life but like everything, when it is difficult the reward is great, when I first believed in LORD Jesus I was often discouraged as it is so hard to be a Christian, and like the bible say we are not from the world. (read John 17 when Jesus prayed for the apostles and us) so the majority of this world are often brainwashed in believing many ridiculous stuff, we are often tempted to do things but we MUST life a GODLY life for HIM.

But this verse often ENCOURAGES me

Please read Psalm 27 in there verse 10
10For my father and (AC)my mother have forsaken me,But (AD)the LORD will take me up.

Miraculously it links with verse 37 of Matthew, but it depends on how you read understand and apply in the context, The LORD says if we don't love Him more than "father mother" we cannot follow HIM, but when we follow HIM there will be tribulations and when we experience tribulations the LORD will TAKE US UP amen hallelujah, "father and mother" doesn't always mean our parents, it can also apply to many things.

And in so this life will be hard(Take up his cross and follow ME,to share an identity with Christ and experience what HE experienced like persecution, pain,condemnation etc) but the LORD will always be there to help us along. But we must do our part, by prayer and understanding His WORD!!!

He who has found his life will lose it, and he who has lost his life for My sake will find it

When a person love "life"s rewards,power, money etc that is in the world he shall surely lose his life but when a person sacrifices and gives on to the LORD, He shall find eternal life that is through JESUS Christ amen.

In so I conclude my short sharing , I was shocked that there is such an ABUNDANCE on just this 3 verses may we be able to always read and apply HIS word in our lifes. let us Pray

"Dear Father GOD, I thank You that You loved us so much that You gave Your only son LORD Jesus in order to save us and that even when we are unfit, You deemed us as fit,
Father please forgive us when we place so much of our passion in many worldly things and may You redirect our passion and time on You and that we may have a burning desire to Know about You and to tell others about YOU, and LORD please help us that we may have the wisdom to understand and APPLY Your WORD in our lifes so people may be attracted to the "Light" that we give off like You have said in matthew5:14, that we may enrich others and brighten them serve them like YOU served us , LORD Jesus we are unworthy but You still came and died for us and hallelujah LORD for You have risen and brought salvation to us hallelujah,

OH LORD Jesus help Your name amen!

Disciples and the World

13"You are the salt of the earth; but (Q)if the salt has become tasteless, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled under foot by men.

14"You are (R)the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden;

15(S)nor does anyone light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on the lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house.

16"Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may (T)see your good works, and (U)glorify your Father who is in heaven.

17"Do not think that I came to abolish the (V)Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill.

18"For truly I say to you, (W)until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished.

19"Whoever then annuls one of the least of these commandments, and teaches others to do the same, shall be called least (X)in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever keeps and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

20"For I say to you that unless your (Y)righteousness surpasses that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Holiday 1 and 2

On the first day of my holiday, went down to uncle francis's gym and did some training after that went to have lunch with uncle and aunt, spend the afternoon talking about politics, investments and GOD, thank GOD for giving me the wisdom, they seem to know I know what their talking about. hmmz anyways went to 18 chefs to learn some guitar stuff from uncle benny.

Saw yiying and her sister, haha its kinda weird as I'm practicing guitar outside and lots of people walking to draw money....lets hope I played well.....hehez anyways I found out that uncle benny is a great player as his ears and theory skills are super good , he even played in a christian music studio. Oh also went to mount zion to get another bible with joel.

Day 2 I went to watch a movie "the days" with my sister as her friends are the actors, lol must get her to intro me the "valerie" lol.......

Anyways hope to do more productive things :)

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Today I woke up, prayed and thanked the LORD for HE is great, went to macdonalds did some studies with taufik and went to school, the exam I will not fail but I am not sure if I can do well but I will depend on GOD.

After the exam I felt relieved, I already know what will be taught in the future semester even before my classmates, so I will spend my holidays reading the bible and prepare my studies and when I get back to school I will probably understand everything by then, I praise GOD for giving me the wisdom to do this.

Went to simei 18 chefs talked to the uncle benny as I saw him sitting outside resting haha, played his 700 dollar guitar and learned a song from him, he welcome me to come back tomorow to play with him. Then went to the christian book shop, truevine but didn't have the books I want so went home.

I thank GOD for giving me wisdom,strength and resources hallelujah amen, may all the brothers and sisters who read the blog be blessed amen, the LORD will provide you with the things you need, like HE provided Israel manna in the dessert HE shall provide!!!

Went home and did not want to waste my time , as I will have 4 weeks of holiday, I will not work but focus on GOD and my studies. Read 310 pages of my comic bible which is one of my favourite book nowadays, I read the whole old Testament and conclude that.

All the stories in the old testaments is always a king or a great person who succeed in the LORD but in the end failed and turn to evil and idols and the great person/king then falls, and another comes up and falls and another comes up to take over trusting in the LORD but YET once and once again the jews failed the LORD, turning to idols and worshiping false gods and intern they were punished either by being forced to be slaves or exiled in another country but in the end there will always be a prophet of our GOD and they go back to good but failed again and again.

In Malachi the jews were warned and reprimanded but yet the chose to be wicked only some chose not to steal and obeyed GOD..... and during that time there was a time frame, where the great Alexander ruled the lands and Alexander allowed the jews to worship GOD, but after he died there was a period of unease again....

IT was till the messiah then EVERYTHING changed!!!

Monday, September 8, 2008


Tomorow is my exam but I am still blogging and watching vids haha , well I thank GOD cuz I am able to memorise all the formulas and everything I need. Now just relax a bit though I am afraid that I am not able to do well for the LORD. but the LORD have me a sign.

I was browsing through the bible when I came to exodus and kings.....
Don't know why but I kept reading and reading the bible and I was shown a vision of last time during the days when moses brought the Israelites out of egypt and into the promised land, the Israelis kept complaining about this and complaining about that and EVEN made a golden calf and worshipped that idol!!! I felt that they were not confident in the LORD and they often forget the great things the LORD did for them.

I took it as a sign when I came about joshua!!! the israelites army was small and like a speck when compared to the enemies, but GOD lead them to victory!!! hallelujah

And inso the LORD let me see that I can depend on HIM , no complains, no unbelieving attitude but DEPEND on HIM and give EVERYTHING TO HIM AMEN

hallelujah praise be the LORD our one and only GOD :)

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Recent thoughts Part 2

Wow its been long since I last posted a recent thought of mine, well how do I actually start???

Oh yep, I recently visited de en and ask if he needed any prayer request and he said he needed to raise funds to go study his MBA, but praise the LORD he might have found a sponsor, some scholarship is availble for him. Still lets pray that the LORD will provide for his family in funds and in spirit amen.

About me....

Chap 1
I am preparing for my final exam next tuesday please pray that I may do my best for the LORD amen.

But still I am in holiday mood now cuz havent have a holiday for 8 weeks and like burn out as teacher really can't provide me with what I need only the LORD taught me, I really don't revise much and don't learn much from my teachers sometimes I REALLY feel the LORD presense and Himself teaching me how to do the math and theories of the course.

Its an amazing feeling like suddenly an idea goes into your head and you do it and amazingly the answers are completely correct.....

Chap 2
Well recently I have sinned against the LORD in my thinking and actions, I feel I am a easily arrogant person and also mischievous :P
But deen showed me a verse which I fancy alot.... 1st Peter chap 5 verse 6 * wanna noe what verse it is??? gooo read da bible :P

I discovered one thing, I feel the LORD with me....Physically....not a feeling but I know, when I sin or before I sin and feel discourage I can feel this presense telling me to be wise in all my ways....even though I sometimes do sin I know how to get back from where I fall....

And I used this method to many many different aspects of my life. But recently this feeling is stronger that I literally want to be holier and wise in all aspects of my life and to give the LORD glory.

The LORD forgives but I don't and never want to take advantage of that, so I think the best way is to watch ourselfs in what ever we do and if there is a feeling telling us not to do a certain thing...just follow it...

For example you are chatting to a friend then you suddenly want to gossip about another person, and a feeling comes to you telling you not to ...FOLLOW it ...I believe this is a sign....

This feeling saved me from falling many many times....

haiz tired now will chat more tomorow :)

Recent thoughts

Psalm 38
1O Lord, rebuke me not in thy wrath: neither chasten me in thy hot displeasure.
2For thine arrows stick fast in me, and thy hand presseth me sore.
3There is no soundness in my flesh because of thine anger; neither is there any rest in my bones because of my sin.
4For mine iniquities are gone over mine head: as an heavy burden they are too heavy for me.
5My wounds stink and are corrupt because of my foolishness.
6I am troubled; I am bowed down greatly; I go mourning all the day long.
7For my loins are filled with a loathsome disease: and there is no soundness in my flesh.
8I am feeble and sore broken: I have roared by reason of the disquietness of my heart.
9Lord, all my desire is before thee; and my groaning is not hid from thee.
10My heart panteth, my strength faileth me: as for the light of mine eyes, it also is gone from me.
11My lovers and my friends stand aloof from my sore; and my kinsmen stand afar off.
12They also that seek after my life lay snares for me: and they that seek my hurt speak mischievous things, and imagine deceits all the day long.
13But I, as a deaf man, heard not; and I was as a dumb man that openeth not his mouth.
14Thus I was as a man that heareth not, and in whose mouth are no reproofs.
15For in thee, O LORD, do I hope: thou wilt hear, O Lord my God.
16For I said, Hear me, lest otherwise they should rejoice over me: when my foot slippeth, they magnify themselves against me.
17For I am ready to halt, and my sorrow is continually before me.
18For I will declare mine iniquity; I will be sorry for my sin.
19But mine enemies are lively, and they are strong: and they that hate me wrongfully are multiplied.
20They also that render evil for good are mine adversaries; because I follow the thing that good is.
21Forsake me not, O LORD: O my God, be not far from me.
22Make haste to help me, O Lord my salvation.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Miraculous day

Wow today is really a miraculous day, few days before went to pray for many people one of them is uncle Francis's family, so today holiday so went to uncle's gym and train also got time to settle alot of stuff.

After everything went to have lunch with uncle Francis, he told me he had a vision of me serving GOD and also doing other stuff, will not reveal much but it miraculously LINKED with what I was doing now.....I was like "Praise the LORD hallelujah.." Its a dejavu experiance.

But the main thing was uncle told me aunt jan(uncle's wife) did well in her business and sold a plot of land and the investor might get her friends to buy 4-10 more plots of land!!!! Hallelujah praise the LORD. The Lord really bless all of us, then uncle also had a great day in terms of energy and training... he trained 5 people in a day!!!

Went to talk with uncle about some business stuff and heard his probably gonna buy gold in his next investment once the funds are the end I really learn more about investments...

But the main thing is that the Lord really LINKS things amazingly...... :)