Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Today I will like to share my thoughts on the book of proverbs

I will slowly go by chapter to chapter as I feel that this book is really great, it basically teaches us to to prevent ourselves from the path of evil and how to be successful in life as a Christian and as a person.

Ok Proverbs Chapter 1

  • There are 33 verses
  • Written by King Solomon
  • Emphasis on preventing yourself from going along with evil minded people.
I will list out the more important verses.

The reason I don't put the whole thing down is to let you guys have a chance to flip and read the bible yourself so you can understand it deeper :)

Verses 1-6

3To (E)receive instruction in wise behavior,
(F)Righteousness, justice and equity;

A wise man will hear and (I)increase in learning,
And a (J)man of understanding will acquire wise counsel,

Tells us to know and receive wisdom/instruction in wise behavior, with integrity, a person who is arrogant and don't "behave" will find it hard to receive wisdom as his arrogance will make him think he is full of wisdom and when a cup is full it cannot be filled. In so we have always find the case where the older generation people or people who are from the high class find it hard to learn and understand at times as they cannot bring themselves down to the standard of "receiving" new "water".

The verses also tell us that a wise man will hear and INCREASE in learning, And these 6 verses tells us the BENEFITS of acquiring wisdom.

Verse 7
7(L)The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge;
Fools despise wisdom and instruction.
It is the most important verse to me because it tells the KEY to acquire wisdom.

So you ask "what is the fear of the LORD"
Fear what does it mean? Fear has many different meanings but the meaning when placed in this context is RESPECT!

It basically means Respecting and bowing down to the LORD is the BEGINNING to wisdom, when a man can lower himself and asks for the LORD's instruction, that man shall be BLESSED for in Matthew 7:7 it says "ask and it shall be given on to you, Seek and you shall FIND!

When you ask the LORD for wisdom it shall be given on to you!

"What is wisdom?"
Wisdom and intelligence are 2 different things, wisdom is by far I think even more as wisdom is HOW to use your intelligence, If a person has high intelligence but do not know how to use it , then its pointless, But if a person whom like solomon has high wisdom, that person will know how to Do/Find/Correct.....etc that person will know to to do everything that is pleasing in the sight of the LORD.

Verses 8-19
Warns us not to follow evil people no matter how TEMPTING and exciting it may be. For example a group of your friends ask you to join in to smuggle cigarettes and to sell them at a high price and you know it will succeed, even if it has a high chance of succeeding DO NOT FOLLOW in their footsteps, For it is said in the bible which is the word of GOD, that the path of the unrighteous is is death.

Verses 20-33
Says that wisdom will warn you in times of trouble, so don't worry for the LORD shall guide, however those who are evil when they try to go back it will be too late, but all is not lost as verse 23 says
23"Turn to my reproof,
Behold, I will (AF)pour out my spirit on you;
I will make my words known to you.
When you repent the LORD shall pour out the Holy Spirit to you and guide you :)

But if you still don't repent there will much suffering


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