Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Recent thoughts and updates

  • Taking music lessons on various styles such as,
Jazz, Blues, Rock, Finger picking, Gospel, Rock.......
Probably gonna get a cert to please my parents as the fee is quite expensive but I know that I can do all things through Christ whom empower me, and that He shall provide my family with financial help whenever HE deemed fit.

  • I lost my wallet
but it taught me to me more cautions and to handle my money with a humble heart as I experience one day without any money but I learned to depend on HIM and to be encouraged all the time without grumbling and blaming on this and that. I was reading Matthew and Mark on the subject of discipleship and "to gain is to lose". hehe baoyu laoshi said I was happy go lucky but I beg to defer I will say "Blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted", I was really sad but the LORD comforted me with HIS word, blessings and wisdom that I may follow and serve.

  • Gonna take over gym for a few days
Brethren and sisters do pray that I may have wisdom to take over this business for a few days and that I don't need to work on Sats and Sundays all the time.

  • Need protection and guidances
Well its been a long time since I really long for a relationship or to get to know more women but I do pray that I will be armed with the full armor of GOD to prevent myself from any temptation that is physical or mental as we humans are made in that way. But the focus now for me should be on GOD and to live a life of light not on women, Btw I am not gay, many people in my class super long time ago voted in friendster that I am gay but I I will say someting lol "Do not judge so that you will not be judged for in the way you judge you will be judged and by your standard of measure it will be measured to you"Matthew 7:1-2
If you hang around me you probably know that I like girls :)

  • Went to see a dentist
The dentist was a girl , was kinda shocked but I rather enjoyed the treatment as the dentist was a "singsong" and cheerful type always singing and chatting.

Well time for me to go bye :)

May you be blessed with the light of the FATHER that you may let the world see your brightness and be attratched to you :)


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