Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Wow time passes really fast nowadays, today I will be going for music lessons to upgrade myself for the serving of GOD's church. I am not sure if I have talent but I will try to practice so I can use the skills to serve, There are probably only 3 musicians in the whole church of 120 people. Jacob. HY. Henry, I think many small steps will lead to a big change :)

But the key is everyone in church must act as one, Ephesians really encourages me after I read it these two days. this letter was written by paul in prison, it encourages in many ways and tells us how we should thank GOD and be ENCOURAGED to serve HIM, for through Jesus we are
  • Redeemed and forgiven through His blood(1:7)
  • Blessed with every spiritual blessing(1:3)
  • Received an inheritance by HIM(1:11)
  • Salvation which is sealed with the Holy Spirit(1:13)
We HAVE SOOOOO MANY BLESSINGS as christians!!!!why grumble anymore :)

The church must accept change, I know and understand that elders and old folks complains alot when there are changes in the church but we should do what GOD think is the best not what we think is the best, Sunday I had a conversation with a sister and talked about many POSSIBLITIES :)

1) What if the church does some changes in worship, ministry, sermons

There will be many complains and people will not accept.

Then I was thinking about Moses, when he lead the jews out of egypt and they will not accept changes and GOD so they disobeyed and also complained why there is no food,meat,water etc

GOD striked them Hard , with fire, pests.....

We must SUBMIT to GOD and not rely on our own wisdom so we can do everything right :)

And we will have no reasons for GOD to punish us :) inso Pleasing the LORD, in which we are supposed to.

So if a church does not rely on GOD's instruction then there will be trouble, so the question is "how do we know what the LORD wants" I believe there are 3 sources

1 Bible
2 Prayer
3 Meetings and talks

In so I will keep all of you my brethren and sisters in prayer than you may see with your own eyes and be filled with wisdom to know the calling of the LORD and the riches and the inheritance of HIS glory amen hallelujah blessed be the name of our LORD :)


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