Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Recent thoughts

By far besides the Gospels the psalms and proverbs are my favorite books to read when I am free and wanna do something productive :)

Well recently I am HOOKED in praying and reading the bible , as I bought 2 books that teaches me how to effectively read the bible and to pray, but I have a problem that is I can't pray in public as my words will be like repetitive and stuttering....haha but I believe in GOD and in Matthew 17:20 "If you have faith the size of a mustard seed you will say to the this mountain, Move from here to there and it will movie and nothing will be impossible"My faith in GOD shall allow me to one day overcome my problems that I have now :)

Oh I do have some problem managing my funds and money as I always spend on the wrong stuff but I thank GOD it is now getting settled as I find myself with more ways to better handle it.

I am thinking to go through the book of Isaiah but I am not sure what method to use, May GOD tell me........


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