Friday, October 31, 2008

This weeks findings

This week I finally decide to commit every day and night to GOD and HIS word

Wake up I will read bible
Night I will do bible study

I have formulated my own unique plan for bible study and doing things.

I have 6 versions of the bible

1 New American Standard Bible
2 New King James Bible
3 New Living Translation
4 New message
5 Chinese Bible
6 King James bible

Each is used in a different situation,

1 NASB: For my bible study as it is proven one of the best and direct translation for New Testament and I need it for my studies in NT.

2 NLT: Is for my own reading and enjoyment as NLT is very enjoyable due to its expansion of words, I give you an example

in NASB or NKJV john 3:16 : For GOD so loved the world that he gave HIS own begotten son"

in NLT "For GOD loved the world so much that He gave His one and only Son"

The English and its expansion of words is so valuable to a reader, NLT will prove to be good to beginning Christians or for reading purposes but ULTIMATELY I KNOW bible study is best done with NASB/NKJV

3 The message: Also to for reading but for reading STORIES, the message is not so "right" and authentic in a way but I use it to read stories of the OT times and it helps me to understand the stories faster, but its written by Eugene H Peterson in a more "commentary" style.

4 NKJV: One of the best translations in the world, I use it for bible study and also for church.

5 Chinese union bible: Used together with my english bibles to comment each other and cuz I am a chinese so it is like understandable to me :)

6 KJV: One of the oldest translation, I hardly use this version anymore but its good to read as it is very challenging.

I also notice that when you read you will have a revelation and WRITE this down it is going to benefit you. I find that after a few years go back and read the findings you will notice that "hey how come I can write something wonderful like this, it is IMPOSSIBLE" my friends that is the Holy Spirit speaking to is also the same principal of how the saints and prophets wrote the BIBLE :)

Good week

This week was a very blessed week for me as I finally SEE!!!
All my weaknesses and arrogance are been made visible to me and I finally understand why the LORD doesn't answer some of my prayers.

These few days I have been praying for certain things like
1 Wisdom
2 Financial blessings

But I could not feel the LORD and have sinned against HIM in some of my decisions.

Decisions like being arrogant, although I am not the intelligent type, GOD blessed me with good grades and abilities and I became arrogant of my own abilities and often in the class I understand things and concepts faster than my classmates, and in so they always approach me to ask questions but I was always very impatient and deep in my mind I am asking questions like " What a hindrance/troublesome/slow me down, Are you dumb?" though I know it is wrong to think like that. But this linked and FINALLY MADE ME UNDERSTAND

1] How and what I think of them is like .....

When we are weak and have no help, and we ask GOD and GOD seeing how weak and helpless we are, but in HIS patience and love, Helps us in time of trouble. so how can I reject people when GOD had not rejected me....oh I suddenly feel so disappointed and disgusted with my ways and how I desire to change this.

2) If you know that when you give/borrow money to this guy but the guy will use it to buy drugs will you still give it to him? Therefore will GOD give me wisdom and knowledge if HE know I will become arrogant and bossy? OF COURSE NO, I finally found out the reason GOD blessed people with wisdom/financial blessings is that in turn THEY CAN GO AND BLESS OTHERS!!! If I can't do that why should GOD give me wisdom or materials?

Thne I thought about it and happily waled from Tampines Mall back to bedok and was feeling an inner peace come over me, cause GOD allows me to understand. Everyone is special but are you willing to let go of your life and let GOD take over? And if you allow HIM to take over then are you able to take the tests and trubulations? By man it is impossible but with GOD all things are possible.

Also I finally see and want to give up my self centered desires and wants to aquire wisdom to bless others, protect my paths and to glorify HIM amen

I also understand one thing, GOD's live for us is always 100 percent and mroe cuz if GOD only love us 70, 80 percent , then HE would not have sent LORD Jesus to die for our sins, also te LORD will use certan people or incident to shape and educate you amen

Monday, October 27, 2008

27 OCT

This sunday was rather a sleepy one, Morning I went to uncle Francis's church at river life and really got encourage by the message of the journey of the Israelite. I really enjoyed the whole layout of their programs, the music, the message, the prayer, its all so nicely and compactly put together. Then went to macedonia, there was a MAJOR difference, Its like going to a fireworks festival then suddenly teleport to a quiet forest in japan...........There are positive points from both the churches and macedonia can actually learn from all these points to benefit but I know there are some political issues.

Anyways I was shock that Riverlife is actually not as "charismatic" as I imagined and it takes the best of "charismatics" and "Traditional" churches and made into a unique system. But sad to say as the church is too big, you never know who is "true" or "real" in the LORD, some people may act holy but in the end might smoke or do weird stuff outside. However in a small community we can monitor and pray for those who need help.

At the end of the day I want to emphasize that for me and to me.....I go to church is to enjoy fellowship with the LORD and share this passion with "same minded" individual whom are my brothers and sisters in christ and pray,bless them and to glorify GOD as one body. I go to church not for pastor or anyone but for GOD.

If I find that the church have no positivity and makes people stumble, then is time to pray for the LORD to lead. But I know that I MYSELF must have to serve and to do the things that I declare and not just complain complain without doing anything. I will do something but if it does not work then I pray for the next step.

I hope that everyone may be able to enjoy in the grace of GOD and serve HIM , and be blessed by HIM, and even though you may sometimes exprience bad times but ENDURE in the LORD and triumph over evil in to the everlasting light :)

Saturday, October 18, 2008

First week

Timetable was good and fortunately math I was able to do after praying to GOD. Wisdom is valuable to me nowadays as I frequently need it for my engineering course. There was a major event in ITE and I got alot of freebies and stuffs :)

Today went to my guitar lesson but I really feel I don't learn anything.....hmmmz perhaps I should be patient and absorb all the best qualities of my teacher then decide. I want a teacher that does not just teach me songs or I should relate to something like, I rather the teacher teach me to fish then give me a fish.

But anyways I am going to do Chord-Melody lessons soon after my stairway to heaven solo. Thinking of forming my own band soon, perhaps in 2009, I already found the right people, but still need to upgrade my own skills to benefit my music.

The important thing is whatever I do I must glorify GOD, as in I myself there is no light but it is the light of the Father that reflects through me, and I confess that no matter how strong a christian is there are times we fall unexpectedly or knowingly but the important thing is to depend on Christ to stand up again.

The devil usually attacks a christian when he/she is the strongest, so be weary at all times, like for example you may be at the peak of your relationship with Jesus but you suddenly have an idea or a voice that tells you to commit a certain sin, then during that time be careful and pray that GOD may protect you.

If you read in the bible, saint Peter during his peak in the relationship with Jesus, he denied Jesus 3 times and Regretted painfully.......... But at the end of the day Saint Peter managed to pull through all odds and went back to the home of the LORD.

Ok I end this blog now.

God bless :)

Monday, October 13, 2008

First day of school

Hahaha woke up at around 6.45am, kinda weird as I have not woken up so early in such a long time but I feel ENERGETIC.......hehe so prayed , ate and went to take bus. But the stations were PACKED, still arrived hehe thank GOD.

Then saw my timetable which I prayed about, and it was GREAT

Monday 8-12


Wensday 1-4

Thurs 8-230

Fri 9-12

My teachers for this term quite interesting, got one is very serious and everyone scared de and another is like pastor lim but older, and like to tell grandfather story lol and repeat again and again but good to have this teacher cuz confirm slack de.

Went to meet uncle francis and brother yen for movie, went to the cathay and ate taiwan food, quite good but the garlic smell too strong lol, anyways the movie was quite good :) and artistic.

After movie went home did laundry and felt super tired........I need a sleep

But the subjects in school I really love man.

Electrical installation
PLC programming

Sunday, October 12, 2008

11 Oct

Another tiring day, went to do a report for tomorrows bible study and I hope to do a good one after so long. I believe that bible study is one of the most important expect of Christianity. As Christians we are like soldiers of GOD, in this battle between the world and it's owner the devil, so we need constant support and instruction from our General that is our GOD :)

As a teen I find that it is often hard to try and make time to really study the bible as there are so many distractions, but however no matter what we MUST read at least 1-2 pages to remind ourselves of our battle. It will be more helpful and encouraging to do so as I find that once a person reads the bible everyday the person will have answers to life's questions and also I find that my desire of the world has gone down significantly.

When we see God's kingdom and compare it to the world you will no longer try to always be discontented often, as we know that this world will pass away but the Word and the kingdom of GOD will never ever pass.

But still I find that as a human I still do stupid things, but I will confess it before it plants more sin in my heart, its best to get rid of the root first then to let your whole body burn away.

Hmmmz school starting soon probably will try to bring more friends to church, and let them know the pure gospel of GOD :)

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Recent thoughts

Well I just had my 19th birthday, but I felt tired and beaten, like I am getting really old, however I really thank the LORD and I believe that I and HIM can do even better for the next year :)

I often spend time with people older than me and ofteh their ages add up to more than 100 years old hahaha, but I enjoy every moment just sitting beside them and listening to their talks. I really did learn alot from the conversations but the important thing is that I see the things they do for the LORD, and their encouraging testimonies.

Adults have things we teenages don't; Money, Time,Capability and experiances, inso they can accomplish alot of things for the LORD and I always get to see or hear and I get really encouraged and driven to be in the LORD.

I think that now at 19 I should have mental capability of an older individual but I don't know how to apply these qualities yet, I do hope to be able to use what I know in the future.

My plans for the next 10 years is already in my mind's "Blueprint", now it depends on Prayer and pleasing GOD.

However inorder to improve myself in Him I need to accomplish a couple of things.

  • Manage money well
  • Read GOD's word everyday
  • Get a good relationship with GOD
  • Attain wisdom and knowledge
  • Application

I set up some plans to do every week.

Now then time to do it :)

Monday, October 6, 2008

Hallelujah great news :)

I will like to thank the LORD for blessing me with the results that I got

Electrotechnology A
Sensortechnology A

Gpa: 3.692 - 3.7 points out of 4
Plus my cca should be 3.9 bahs???

Anyways the important thing is I found out something new and amazing.

If the LORD creates a path for you, He will deliver you and help you personally and ENSURES that you will do well.

Personally I believe that when we were ordained, we were created for certain roles, maybe a teacher, nurse, engineer or could be any career.
But pray, and ask if it is the path that GOD creates for you.

Today after going home from church sister hongying shared with me about some exam stress and stuff, so I felt the need to encourage and pray for her that she may be able to unleash her full potiential on her Os, do pray for her if you are reading this, take a minute or two.

And I remembered I told her about the story of jonah, the guy who ran away from GOD, basically GOD wanted this guy call jonah to go to an evil city and tell them to repent and GOD creates a straight path for jonas but jonah ran away from GOD, and when he did jonah found that everything was unsucessful, Bad weather, calamity and in the stomach of the big whale.

But when in the belly of the whale, jonah repented,obeyed and WENT to niveneh the evil city and preached SURPRIZINGLY EVERYONE BELIEVED!!!

It was a SUCCESS.

My theory is if you know that this path if from the LORD you will have no choice but to walk it and no matter where you run, in the end the LORD will bring you back even if its through punishment or pain. Cuz only through pain and suffering that we can CLEARLY THINK and see the light of the LORD.

And if what your doing now is unsucessful it may be that its not of the LORD's will, but don't just take my word, PRAY for it.

May GOD be with and bless all of you my brothers and sisters in christ and those whom have not believe, I will pray for you guys to see and ENJOY the family and blessings of a christian :)