Sunday, October 12, 2008

11 Oct

Another tiring day, went to do a report for tomorrows bible study and I hope to do a good one after so long. I believe that bible study is one of the most important expect of Christianity. As Christians we are like soldiers of GOD, in this battle between the world and it's owner the devil, so we need constant support and instruction from our General that is our GOD :)

As a teen I find that it is often hard to try and make time to really study the bible as there are so many distractions, but however no matter what we MUST read at least 1-2 pages to remind ourselves of our battle. It will be more helpful and encouraging to do so as I find that once a person reads the bible everyday the person will have answers to life's questions and also I find that my desire of the world has gone down significantly.

When we see God's kingdom and compare it to the world you will no longer try to always be discontented often, as we know that this world will pass away but the Word and the kingdom of GOD will never ever pass.

But still I find that as a human I still do stupid things, but I will confess it before it plants more sin in my heart, its best to get rid of the root first then to let your whole body burn away.

Hmmmz school starting soon probably will try to bring more friends to church, and let them know the pure gospel of GOD :)


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