Friday, October 31, 2008

Good week

This week was a very blessed week for me as I finally SEE!!!
All my weaknesses and arrogance are been made visible to me and I finally understand why the LORD doesn't answer some of my prayers.

These few days I have been praying for certain things like
1 Wisdom
2 Financial blessings

But I could not feel the LORD and have sinned against HIM in some of my decisions.

Decisions like being arrogant, although I am not the intelligent type, GOD blessed me with good grades and abilities and I became arrogant of my own abilities and often in the class I understand things and concepts faster than my classmates, and in so they always approach me to ask questions but I was always very impatient and deep in my mind I am asking questions like " What a hindrance/troublesome/slow me down, Are you dumb?" though I know it is wrong to think like that. But this linked and FINALLY MADE ME UNDERSTAND

1] How and what I think of them is like .....

When we are weak and have no help, and we ask GOD and GOD seeing how weak and helpless we are, but in HIS patience and love, Helps us in time of trouble. so how can I reject people when GOD had not rejected me....oh I suddenly feel so disappointed and disgusted with my ways and how I desire to change this.

2) If you know that when you give/borrow money to this guy but the guy will use it to buy drugs will you still give it to him? Therefore will GOD give me wisdom and knowledge if HE know I will become arrogant and bossy? OF COURSE NO, I finally found out the reason GOD blessed people with wisdom/financial blessings is that in turn THEY CAN GO AND BLESS OTHERS!!! If I can't do that why should GOD give me wisdom or materials?

Thne I thought about it and happily waled from Tampines Mall back to bedok and was feeling an inner peace come over me, cause GOD allows me to understand. Everyone is special but are you willing to let go of your life and let GOD take over? And if you allow HIM to take over then are you able to take the tests and trubulations? By man it is impossible but with GOD all things are possible.

Also I finally see and want to give up my self centered desires and wants to aquire wisdom to bless others, protect my paths and to glorify HIM amen

I also understand one thing, GOD's live for us is always 100 percent and mroe cuz if GOD only love us 70, 80 percent , then HE would not have sent LORD Jesus to die for our sins, also te LORD will use certan people or incident to shape and educate you amen


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