Friday, October 31, 2008

This weeks findings

This week I finally decide to commit every day and night to GOD and HIS word

Wake up I will read bible
Night I will do bible study

I have formulated my own unique plan for bible study and doing things.

I have 6 versions of the bible

1 New American Standard Bible
2 New King James Bible
3 New Living Translation
4 New message
5 Chinese Bible
6 King James bible

Each is used in a different situation,

1 NASB: For my bible study as it is proven one of the best and direct translation for New Testament and I need it for my studies in NT.

2 NLT: Is for my own reading and enjoyment as NLT is very enjoyable due to its expansion of words, I give you an example

in NASB or NKJV john 3:16 : For GOD so loved the world that he gave HIS own begotten son"

in NLT "For GOD loved the world so much that He gave His one and only Son"

The English and its expansion of words is so valuable to a reader, NLT will prove to be good to beginning Christians or for reading purposes but ULTIMATELY I KNOW bible study is best done with NASB/NKJV

3 The message: Also to for reading but for reading STORIES, the message is not so "right" and authentic in a way but I use it to read stories of the OT times and it helps me to understand the stories faster, but its written by Eugene H Peterson in a more "commentary" style.

4 NKJV: One of the best translations in the world, I use it for bible study and also for church.

5 Chinese union bible: Used together with my english bibles to comment each other and cuz I am a chinese so it is like understandable to me :)

6 KJV: One of the oldest translation, I hardly use this version anymore but its good to read as it is very challenging.

I also notice that when you read you will have a revelation and WRITE this down it is going to benefit you. I find that after a few years go back and read the findings you will notice that "hey how come I can write something wonderful like this, it is IMPOSSIBLE" my friends that is the Holy Spirit speaking to is also the same principal of how the saints and prophets wrote the BIBLE :)


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