Tuesday, December 30, 2008

One more day

Today was kinda nice, woke up ate MEGA mac griddles and went to library to study and covered a lot of electrical circuits and fuses, it is kinda fun :) I also managed to borrow some books on finance, after I was done went to Tampines mall and saw Henry and Gary......so was kinda shocked!! Went to get some pens and waited SUPER long for Gary's queue at Singtel.

I suddenly have a frenzy for pencils......not mechanical ones but WOODEN pencils :p I got a electronic sharpener and SHARPEN EVERY single pencil I can find at home and gone the famous CHUNG HWA brand of pencils lol ...... kinda lame but I like doing such things nowadays, I like doing math with wooden pencils instead of mechanical ones as mechanical pencils often have very blunt tips and the words I write will be kinda blunt, while the wood ones are sharp.......

I wanted to study more math but I left my math book in SCHOOL!!!!!! No worries my confidence is in God not my book so I actually not that afraid, but I still have to go find it lah.

Got a planner a very very nice looking one and there are places where I can write goals and plans, It costed me 13 bucks...... I have soooo many cool ideas for 2009 :)

OH I also went to facebook and saw gheehien's pics and I found out that he always had a mustache lol hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaha very cool, its like a person who have a mustache since JC then after 20 years you see him, he still look good with the moustache.....

Here goes......2009 wakakaka

Monday, December 29, 2008

Recent thoughts

I went to think some of the things I have done,will like to do, have learned and came up with a list.

  1. I don't want to be a person that sins from Monday to Saturday and go back to GOD to beg for mercy on Sunday, but I want to be a person that fears/respects GOD and do righteous deeds out of love for GOD than my own exaltation.
2. Live a righteous life before GOD and man, many times I have seen or met people who call themselves Christians but they still do things of the world and indulge in worldly sins.

You may think or say that I am judging others but I say onto you Jesus said in John 7:24 "Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment. What does it mean by righteous judgment , it means to judge morally right or justifiable in an upright, moral way and not being biased in a viewpoint that favors to you. When I say what I say e.g Christians saying they are Christians but sin, you and I both know I am right, in the bible the Jews call themselves Jews but they crucify their own savior....... When I say this point I am only speaking in the truth.

3. Be able to love and bond with others well, I am a low EQ guy ever since primary school hahaha I don't think that this fact is a secret to those who know me, but I understand that GOD is a GOD of love and relationships, I am always amazed by the fact that Jesus the GOD of the universe did not just go and broadcast to the universe that He is GOD the very moment He was born BUT He built relationships with the 12 apostles and let them see His way of life and the miracles and Love He had for humanity and let them carry out His work on earth when He ascended.

I basically simplified the steps, First love God. Then serve God because you love Him, Then to serve God you have to live a life that is Godly to touch others, then bring others to Him :)

I want to live a life that is Godly not to show off and not for any motive e.g. to get people to join my church...... The point is to love others, and because you love them you bring them to the GOD of love......

Well here gooooeeessss....... GOD help me ......

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Some comparisons

Today was fun but I have to wake up at an early time, went to church one day camp. Had a sermon then games and movie, my team won because of yiying she scares the opponent away BWAHAHA YIYING THE INCREDIBLE SHEHULK!!!! hahaha she's probably gonna kill me when she reads this :P

Then had a very nice outback sort of dinner, we went to the rooftop setup tables and had KFC, there were suppose to be stars and moon but it was kinda weird as the whole sky was BLACK because yy scare the moon and stars away HAHAHAHAHAHA......ohhhhh man whats wrong with me hahahahaha.

Then we went home, was in the bus with xz and hy, and there were a group of youths sitting behind me and there were bimbos in the group talking about alot of foolish stuff haha, then I was reading my 4 books then suddenly I read my bible and the bimbo behind me was shouting out "Hey lets read the bible!" I was like LOL ........what the......... then I kept laughing, and the bimbo was like saying she haven't read the bible for a long while and was from riverlife haha

Then I was thinking to myself why is it that alot of church teens are so worldly at times and say things without thinking? I won't accuse anyone from any church for being worldly and foolish because in both the modern and traditional churches there are worldly teens, but I was thinking anyone of us from my church or any other traditional church can win in bible knowledge, But the modern charismatic teens will win in expression......They can really show their love for God.

There are so many fun differences hahaha But I want to pursue a more BALANCED way and I really want to look at God's will not mine, recently I do feel more balanced, I just wished that there is a church that has both Traditional and Charismatic qualities.

Like the Bible knowledge and Theology of traditional churches and the Worship and Love of the charismatic church. If only there is such a church....it can really do very well and bear fruits as it can appeal to the LORD and to attract people to Him.

Haiz anyways the new year is coming and I will set up some goals.....

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Wow I haven't blogged for a while, I have no idea why these few mornings seem so tiring haha might be because due to my high intake of protein, protein makes a person tired and sleepy.

Yesterday went out to meet this brethren whom I have not seen for a long time........He got some issues which he is very open to share with people, I was quite shock when listening to his problems. During secondary school to ITE days he was the very shy, introvert type but now he suddenly become a playboy, and have alot of sexual conquests.

When I manage to use some scripture and explain for hours then he just says he can't apply, then I was like AHHHHHH!!! Its like you tell me you don't know how to eat rice, so I put a bowl of rice and a spoon on the table, then I show you how to eat rice, just put the rice in your mouth chew and swallow....but after I show you everything you tell me you don't know how to apply......lol

But it was quite fun to spend time as I haven't met him for super long, we went to watch the movie yesman!!! Its a bout a guy, carl who due to some bad experiances in life shield himself from everything and new experiances like going out to a new place or doing something new. So he went to a semina which reminds me of mlm and church LOL!!! So he had a convenant with the guru and he must say YES to everything and it really opens up alot of things for him lol......I was thinking how to apply the movie to my life but it seems weird but fun......

I want to try new things in 2009, I hope that I can find my gifts and how to serve the Lord. Wah I intially wanted to share testimony but I will post it online instead lah.....

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Diary diary......

Well recently as I am unlocked, alot of blessings just came unexpectedly, like food, money, work, bus,transports....etc but the most important is God's love and presence. It seems like everything is joyful and I am in a "dream" world to others hahaha.

I went uncle's house today and help aunt jan cook, clean, wash and prepare dinner for Jesse who was staying over uncle's house.....wah it was so tiring man!!! Finally know why aunt and uncle like to have a maid around LOL.....but like wisdom said "there is no freemeal therefore work!!!!", I enjoyed Fish,White chicken soup LOL nomally chinese use black chicken but aunt said white chicken is BIGGER, Veggies which I LIKE!!!

And enjoyed Hazelnut coffee by Jesse, I also helped abit in making rendang, hahaah I think gheeyien will be super tempted to try hehe........someday bahs.....

Oh ya went to watch IPMAN with uncle, it was great!!! The moves were nice but some of the guys who acted as japanese did not use moves that look like karate but TAEKWONDO which is super useless!!! (unless your korean)......only the final match looks like karate!

Hongying sms me to jio wudi to church this saturday which I think I will, but of course need prayer :)

I prayed to the Lord for guidance for going to a church He wants me to me and the deadline is by 2008 and by 2009 I will be either in a new church or same, I have used 4months to think and pray. If I do move on I hope to settle everything nicely and peacefully whereby everyone is ok.

I don't want to suddenly dissappear and lie to everyone, I believe God will open a way for me :)

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Firstday of holiday

Today initially I wanted to spend the whole day reading and studying engineering but I went to the gym and trained, I wanted to do some muscle training for the fun of it and ended up in Chinatown with uncle Francis and aunt Jan, had Great food and dessert, I should bring you guys there someday :)

But today's subject was on career, about what I plan to do, aunt and uncle made me think about what I want to do later which I had no trouble as I already looked 10 years into the future on what I will be or become, but I think my view is a bit simple as normally an engineer will start out pay quite low at probably 1.5-2k and you have to do all the simple shit jobs till you promote to manager etc....

I actually have no worries about my future pay or my studies anymore, cuz recently my thoughts and mind are slowly gravitating to the Lord instead of my own vantage point, but I know it is through His mercy and grace that I can do all things not because of me doing and thinking about it.

And today's bible reading enlighten me even more in Matthew 16:23-18 talks about putting your own interests on God not man's, I know I can't be perfect now and will still or eventually sin unknowingly or knowingly and I know there is no way to make it up to the Lord cuz whatever we have or do is by Him, so the only thing we can do is by, Pleasing Him and bringing others to Him. Its a very simple way to look at it.

I understand that when you put your interests in God everything will fall out naturally, career, love life etc..... Matthew 7:7-12 Talks about the Lord blessing His own children, If you love the Lord obey Him, and bring people to Him , You will be blessed spiritually or materially.

But there is still tribulations, its not a smooth journey, a very wealthy options teacher (options is something like stocks but somewhat different) Mr Schaeffer said one thing, if everything was smooth sailing and there are no mistakes then a person can take over the world in 1 month!.

I will no longer have fear and phobia like people have as I have the Lord and there is a verse that really encourages me, Matthew 6:33-34
Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Powerful breakthrough

Wow this week is just GREAT!!!

I finally had a breakthrough!!! I want to thank God for using brother geeyean to open my eyes to the love of the Lord.......

I discovered that my initial viewpoint in the Lord was wrong, my viewpoint was based very much in intellect, I view God in a way that is always in theology, intelligence....etc....

But in our faith the main thing should be........LOVE!!! Although it is not wrong to view it in an intelligent way but the focus should be more on loving the Lord and knowing Him more and more everyday.

After that day of listening to geeyean I started to think for myself, maybe the way I look at the Lord and relationship with Him is in the wrong vantage point......then BOOM!!!! Its like a person who suddenly learn a super martial arts move, IT WAS REVEALED to me!!!

Then everything seems to make sense books like

1If I speak with the (A)tongues of men and of (B)angels, but do not have love, I have become a noisy gong or a (C)clanging cymbal.

2If I have the gift of (D)prophecy, and know all (E)mysteries and all (F)knowledge; and if I have (G)all faith, so as to (H)remove mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing.

3And if I (I)give all my possessions to feed the poor, and if I (J)surrender my body [a]to be burned, but do not have love, it profits me nothing.

4Love (K)is patient, love is kind and (L)is not jealous; love does not brag and is not (M)arrogant,

5does not act unbecomingly; it (N)does not seek its own, is not provoked, (O)does not take into account a wrong suffered,

6(P)does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but (Q)rejoices with the truth;

7(R)bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

8Love never fails; but if there are gifts of (S)prophecy, they will be done away; if there are (T)tongues, they will cease; if there is knowledge, it will be done away.

9For we (U)know in part and we prophesy in part;

10but when the perfect comes, the partial will be done away.

11When I was a child, I used to speak like a child, think like a child, reason like a child; when I became a man, I did away with childish things.

12For now we (V)see in a mirror dimly, but then (W)face to face; now I know in part, but then I will know fully just as I also (X)have been fully known.

13But now faith, hope, love, abide these three; but the greatest of these is (Y)love.

And I finally understand what it means when we say God is a God of Love!!!

If only people of intellect can worship the Lord then well no one can worship Him properly but God put in emotions in everyone whereby we can Love, Feel, Care....etc

We worship God in emotions(Love,humility,truth...etc) and in spirit.....and we honor Him by living our lives pleasing in His sight, by not doing the things He hates and doing the things He loves :)

Hallelujah may everyone of us learn to love Him more and more amen :)

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

interesting books

Wow its already Wednesday and time really past fast. Regarding my last post I wrote something on tests and tribulations, and I suddenly remembered uncle Francis introduce me to a book call "The Screw tape Letters" by C.S Lewis. Its about a demon's views and strategies to tempt us. This high ranking demon call Screw tape writes letter to his nephew which is a lower ranking demon and they talk about how to tempt and lead humans to hell.

They talk about various strategies and I find it very interesting as it is really what we face in this modern world. But it is a very intellectual book so people might find it very hard to read, however if you can understand these strategies you can know how the devil "plays" you and know how to handle these strategies.

I have been doing alot of books recently, books on war strategies power apologetic, haha I want to take these time to learn more about strategy and God.

But I am on a spiritual depression which is very normal to all Christian and people. So I need to use this time to learn and depend on the Lord but it will be a dangerous journey as this stage is when demons brainwash you the most but after this stage its time to serve :)