Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Firstday of holiday

Today initially I wanted to spend the whole day reading and studying engineering but I went to the gym and trained, I wanted to do some muscle training for the fun of it and ended up in Chinatown with uncle Francis and aunt Jan, had Great food and dessert, I should bring you guys there someday :)

But today's subject was on career, about what I plan to do, aunt and uncle made me think about what I want to do later which I had no trouble as I already looked 10 years into the future on what I will be or become, but I think my view is a bit simple as normally an engineer will start out pay quite low at probably 1.5-2k and you have to do all the simple shit jobs till you promote to manager etc....

I actually have no worries about my future pay or my studies anymore, cuz recently my thoughts and mind are slowly gravitating to the Lord instead of my own vantage point, but I know it is through His mercy and grace that I can do all things not because of me doing and thinking about it.

And today's bible reading enlighten me even more in Matthew 16:23-18 talks about putting your own interests on God not man's, I know I can't be perfect now and will still or eventually sin unknowingly or knowingly and I know there is no way to make it up to the Lord cuz whatever we have or do is by Him, so the only thing we can do is by, Pleasing Him and bringing others to Him. Its a very simple way to look at it.

I understand that when you put your interests in God everything will fall out naturally, career, love life etc..... Matthew 7:7-12 Talks about the Lord blessing His own children, If you love the Lord obey Him, and bring people to Him , You will be blessed spiritually or materially.

But there is still tribulations, its not a smooth journey, a very wealthy options teacher (options is something like stocks but somewhat different) Mr Schaeffer said one thing, if everything was smooth sailing and there are no mistakes then a person can take over the world in 1 month!.

I will no longer have fear and phobia like people have as I have the Lord and there is a verse that really encourages me, Matthew 6:33-34
Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you.


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