Monday, December 29, 2008

Recent thoughts

I went to think some of the things I have done,will like to do, have learned and came up with a list.

  1. I don't want to be a person that sins from Monday to Saturday and go back to GOD to beg for mercy on Sunday, but I want to be a person that fears/respects GOD and do righteous deeds out of love for GOD than my own exaltation.
2. Live a righteous life before GOD and man, many times I have seen or met people who call themselves Christians but they still do things of the world and indulge in worldly sins.

You may think or say that I am judging others but I say onto you Jesus said in John 7:24 "Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment. What does it mean by righteous judgment , it means to judge morally right or justifiable in an upright, moral way and not being biased in a viewpoint that favors to you. When I say what I say e.g Christians saying they are Christians but sin, you and I both know I am right, in the bible the Jews call themselves Jews but they crucify their own savior....... When I say this point I am only speaking in the truth.

3. Be able to love and bond with others well, I am a low EQ guy ever since primary school hahaha I don't think that this fact is a secret to those who know me, but I understand that GOD is a GOD of love and relationships, I am always amazed by the fact that Jesus the GOD of the universe did not just go and broadcast to the universe that He is GOD the very moment He was born BUT He built relationships with the 12 apostles and let them see His way of life and the miracles and Love He had for humanity and let them carry out His work on earth when He ascended.

I basically simplified the steps, First love God. Then serve God because you love Him, Then to serve God you have to live a life that is Godly to touch others, then bring others to Him :)

I want to live a life that is Godly not to show off and not for any motive e.g. to get people to join my church...... The point is to love others, and because you love them you bring them to the GOD of love......

Well here gooooeeessss....... GOD help me ......


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