Saturday, June 13, 2009


I just had the sickest and weirdest dream to date..... In my dream a teenager was being kidnapped by 2 people, then when the teen threatened to call the police one of the kidnappers slit the throat of the teen, and released the teen, the teen went back home and died in the arms of his parents then I woke up feeling like vomiting...........

Anyways I plan to do a lot of gym training and to exercise as I have been diagnose that I might have high blood pressure, I will PROVE that Jesus can break through all curses or illness, I am gonna LIVE!!! But I need every single one of you sisters and brothers to just pray and release a prayer of blessing and healing upon me.

Remember that many people in the bible used to have illnesses but through their faith in Jesus they are healed!!! Jesus frequently says :"Your faith has made you well/whole"....I believe that by Faith my illnesses will all be gone!!!

I always thank God that I am able to see His mercies and blessings in my life, and how He uses me to bless others and to encourage them. I really feel most satisfied when He receives credit and glory...amen :)


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