Thursday, May 14, 2009


Wow alot has happened to me these 2 weeks. But I really want to thank God that I can preach His gospel and share the love of Jesus to my friends,strangers and classmates. Sunday night was great as I was able to pray for a sister in the church on her studies. Monday was more on sharing the message and blessings of Jesus to my classmate, I met this guy whom was working for the bank Prudential. He told me about this investment plan which I really liked as I don't really know where to put my money and often end up spending it.

The plan basically lets me earn an interest of 5% and above in a year. I also watched star trek hahas, was kinda fun to learn about this super intelligent race. I could relate to that alien, the alien was a mix with human and alien blood. So what happens was the alien got alot of emotions but yet his race demands absolute logic instead of using emotions to reason with matters. Sometimes I have to force myself to use logic to think and solve things but at the end of the day I feel so contradicted and unhappy LOL......

I took cab a couple of times these week and was able to talk about God and Jesus everytime and I feel that it is really a blessing to be able to preach. I know that every single time we talk to others about God, God will not forget it, God will honor everytime we preach. It is an honor to minister to others to bring the gospel of love and peace to the world :)

Hehes but I was also punished for my sins(I won't give the details) too, the word says "Whom ever the Father loves He rebukes". So I am also quite happy hehes.

Went to swim and saw a girl life guard, I took the opportunity to make friends and I think humored her alot. I am trying out experiments on certain stuff, I hope to accomplish a special goal I have and not sin against God :)

Pray for me :)


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