Monday, April 20, 2009

I am back

Today is the second week of school and I learned an important lesson on forgiving, here is the story. It is my final year now so I have to form a group for my Final Year Project, those of you in Poly,ITE or Uni will know about it. So I manage to form a group which was all the A and B students in my class and we are considered a "strong" team.

There was a guy in my group who gave me a very good impression as he gave up his cca in order to study and do well for the project, so I was quite happy for him as if you think about it ccas are for getting you into poly easier but if you don't have the base of results you can dream about getting into poly cuz you can't! Then my teacher (whom coincidentally is a good friend and church friend of uncle Francis :P hahahaha I got strings to pull hehe nah lol kidding) my teacher wanted my group to do a project proposal by Sunday 12pm.

I completed the project proposal during Saturday and kept reminding that guy in my group to do further editing on it as I completed 90 percent of it liao so he just have to fill in the blanks, then 9pm I called him to confirm for the last time. Then late in the night at around 11.45 I can't contact the guy so I suspected that he slept then I was SUPER disappointed but I force myself not to blame anyone. Finally received a call and the guy really slept, my sister was also quite pissed off cuz the guy had no sense of urgency hehe the guy send me the edited version and now I was super disappointed. Its just a few words and arrows, so I did the whole thing again and send to my teacher but by then it was a bit too late. I hope everything will work out by the grace of God.

I suddenly was able to see a lesson from it :)

Matthew 6
14For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 15But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.

I knew this so what I did was I told myself I must forgive the guy for God has forgiven me for things even worse than what he did.

Another thing also opened in my mind :) What he did to me, as in how he gave me such high hopes and yet disappoint me, this feeling also gave me a preview of sometimes how the Father feels when we give Him such high hopes yet sinned and crush His hopes. Oh forgive me Father for I have sinned against You, I need you to show me the way and Your anointing of the Holy Spirit to keep me from sin.

Sometimes I like to put myself in the shoes/view of God, of how the Father view us from His place and how He must have felt when we do things that are not right in His sight and how sin is like shit poured on us from head to toe that only God can remove it. If you feed a person shit the person will say no but if you continue to feed the persons shit slowly in time the person will eat shit even if you don't tell him to. In so sin manipulates us in away that we become so ashamed to come before God for forgiveness. In the book of Genesis, God tells us to master our sin or we will be conquered by sin.

6 Then the LORD said to Cain, "Why are you angry? Why is your face downcast? 7 If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it."


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