Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Before I got my results I told the Lord, "Lord if you will and give me good results I will put more focus in bible teaching and theology amen". Recently I was quite slack and I feel that I must really fulfill what I told Him. I will start studying some of the books I borrowed from de en.

I have split it into 3 parts Bible,Systematic Theology and any other book I want. I started to watch videos of debates and about atheism and the existence of God. I find that the atheist is always trying to prove that there is no God, the is no necessity of a God or in extreme cases even if there is a God there is no need for Him.

There is a need in every one of us to equip ourselves in case there are opportunities whereby we have to preach or to share the gospel. But I feel very cold and tired recently I will pray for the rekindling and a revival to start my journey again after such a long rest.

Theology , Theo means God, logy is the way or the logic. I want to focus in the God part as philosophy theology can make a person arrogant and like Paul said in First Corinthians without love there is nothing.

I end this post now and pray that there will be a growth in me the next time I blog.
Thanks :)


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