Sunday, May 31, 2009

Life is frail....

I just want to use this time I have to blog about my favorite uncle, my mum's elder sis's husband.....hehehe...take a moment to think as Chinese families are large and we have a lot of links...

Anyways I always remembered having great memories with this uncle, when I was little I would hang out at aunt's house and aunt will always give me SUPER LONG lectures about life and behaving as I was a super naughty kid. But uncle will always treat me super well and give me all the good food like chicken wings and drinks :P

Then this year due to his long habit of smoking he caught lung cancer, it started out as a backache but it turned out to be terminal cancer. I will advise you or anyone to constantly go for checkups and have a healthy lifestyle. Uncle passed away on Monday, I kinda "sensed" it, during Sunday I had this strong calling to go to woodlands and just pray for uncle and see him.

I went back and prayed that he will have visions of Jesus and would slowly accept Him, and that he will pass on without pain, to pass on in his sleep. I went back home on Sunday, then on Monday I heard that uncle pass on in his sleep...... I was SHOCKED!!! If I had not gone to see him on Sunday I would NEVER have a chance, and he was happy and smiling when he saw me.

I was terribly hit with a feeling of sadness but I just could not cry for a reason, I keep seeing all the memories I had with him since I was 7.........

Went to help out at the funeral, there was little regrets or sadness as everything was prepared and done according to uncle. Talked to my cuzzies and all the uncle,aunties.....They seem impressed that by God that I have changed so much since the last encounter. God just impresses them everytime :)

Friday, I was thinking if I should go school or go the funeral, in the end I went to the funeral for the last time and after the whole thing went to swim and train.....Super exhausted these few days.....Felt like I nv rested!!!


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