Sunday, May 17, 2009

Yep yeps


Another powerpacked week, I have learned another important thingy :)

The bible always tells us to relate to God as a child of God, and that He is our father and I find it amazing that a lot of us ACTUALLY DON'T KNOW HOW TO!!! :) I believe for Asians its even worse because for us Chinese we don't really show our emotions to our elders or parents and that is just so sad.

As I have blogged previously that I sinned against the Lord in some of the choices I made and there was this incident, I was in my classroom doing a lab then I thought my team mate already let the teacher to check my circuit. So I turned back and switch the power switch on and half of my lab short circuited!!! The teacher was pissed LOL, then he said something that really made sense to me "WHO GAVE YOU PERMISSION TO.......". When I went back home to reflect upon this incident I can really relate back to our Father in heaven.

At times we do certain disgraceful things and God is pissed off, the Lord is actually feels the same way JUST as our parents/elders/teachers. The Father is just as our father in earth, He cares about us and are interested when we have girlfriends/boyfriends, when we work, when we do things :)
TREAT THE LORD AS YOUR OWN FATHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was really sad as I feel that I let the Father down at times, the feeling is just like letting your own father down :(
If the Lord do not give you the blessing or permission to do things DO NOT DO IT, a good example will be if you wanna date this guy/girl but your dad tells you not to cuz he knows that it is not right and the person don't have the character yet you disobey and in the end you get hurt.Is it your dad that did the wrong thing or you??? Go think about it :)


I recently picked up a habit that I like to do on Saturdays, I will take a guitar go up to the sanctuary and POUR out my sadness,let downs,problems,prayers and basically my Soul to God. I will play songs and pray to God and I felt the Spirit anointing me and there was a burning feeling in me, like my passion being rekindled :)

Went to eat dinner with xz and zh and alot of funny things happened, there was a poem

"Even though I dislike spring but I like the flowers
Even though I dislike summer but I like the rain
Even though I dislike autumn but I like the falling leaves
Even though I dislike winter but I like the falling snow
Even though I dislike the world but I like you only"


"Even though I dislike vitasoy I like your MILK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

SOOO FUNNY LOR, then saw henry's mum xz held us back and went to auntie's back and shouted "ROBBERY GIVE ME YOUR MONEY!!!" Auntie gave the FUNNIEST EXPRESSION!!!!!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHA SOOOOO BAD LOR :) thats why gen loves him LOL.

Then went to eat, its suppose to be called "olive rice" in chinese "kan lan fan", zh said "kum lan fan" which means "oral s*x rice" .................................

LOL so many funny things :)

But I really enjoyed the sunday service, but had to go study for my mathematics :)



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