Monday, March 2, 2009

Monday monday monday!!!

Today woke up and prayed for myself to be healed , emotionally and for her salvation, I really felt comforted again and again after reading the word of God and praying. It's like a sense of peace in my heart and it gives me power to focus in the right path.

Anyways woke up and went to train in the gym, then went home bath and met uncle Francis to train this sister of Christ from FCBC at this gym in redhill. I saw her then I just felt like encouraging her as she looks super stress from church work which is the G12 thingy from FCBC if you have heard of it before you will know how stressful it is. I wanted to tell her that God knows the effort and things you have put in Him, He will comfort you and bless you :)
But I didn't have the chance to tell so just talk to her and she kept laughing lolzzz maybe my jokes are lame :P

Then after the training went to Arab street to eat dinner with uncle francis and aunt jan :)
They intro me to Indonesian food and it tasted YUMMY!!!!!! then went to drink the famous teh tarik it it tasted GREAT!!! Praise God the food was good.

I also shared with uncle recently as I keep reading the bible i KEEP coming across the word "Anointing" and "Consecrated". I don't understand a thing about it then went to consult uncle about it and he said its a serious word in fact both are very serious words, maybe I have a hidden sin or God is going to set me apart????

Well I will pray about it, everyday I am growing in Him. Even though I don't hang out with the sisters and brothers of Macedonia much nowadays but I pray that everyone of you sisters and brothers will be blesses and set apart to glorify God :)

I also will be doing a lot of exploring nowadays to prepare myself to serve but most importantly I want to live my life to glorify God. If today I were to go out to preach or share the gospel BUT I don't have the life or the evidence to support the thing I am preaching then I will "seem" like a hypocrite to the non believers.

First step love and desire Him, Second step live your lives holy and righteous to Honor God, Third step spread the Love :)

I believe that nowadays nobody reads my blog as I don't get much response or support except from bro gee yean and xena :) so I will reveal more stuff as there is no one reading mah :)

Well recently I liked this girl but she is not a believer, then I really felt like bringing her the Christ BUT I felt wow this really makes me a jerk, its like I am bringing her to Christ so I can marry her not because I want to show how much God loves her. So I gave up on the idea and prayed for her, and I wanna live my life for God and maybe someday bring her to a church which God wants be to stay in :)

"Father I pray that Lord you can bring her to a man that really loves YOU and can show her how much You love her and that Lord they may serve You as a family of God, who constantly supports the church and shows the world Your love. Father I ask that You may bring her more people who are Christians and let them show her WHO is JESUS!!

And Lord I ask that You put in her the idea and wisdom of why she is in this planet and what her ultimate goal in life is, and let her know that You ARE GOD!!! Father comfort her when she is sad and bless her when she is happy, when she is sick Father heal her, when she is weak make her strong Lord and Father let her thirst after Your word and protect her from demons who will try to brain wash her, and Lord send angels to protect her so she can receive the seed of the gospel.

Father I ask in the name of Brother Jesus let her be saved truely.....AMEN!!!"


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