Saturday, February 28, 2009


Well today was more a day of discovering the dark side of people and things. Woke up at 10 read the newspapers prayed for being able to portray the image of Christ in my life and also to build a strong temple, the temple of God, by going to the gym and working out with uncle Francis.

In 1 Corinthians 3:16

Don't you know that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's Spirit lives in you? 17If anyone destroys God's temple, God will destroy him; for God's temple is sacred, and you are that temple.

So I wanna be able to do the work of God in a healthy body and just enjoy His love and blessings :)

Reached the gym ate breakfast and prayed for the gym as there was some incidents which I am not gonna elaborate in the blog. Then asked the Lord to bless uncle and his colleagues. Went on to train and I trained for 2 sessions.

Then uncle francis introduced me to a malay barber, initially I don't trust malay barbers but went ahead and prayed for the barber to have skill to help me cut hair hehe.

Then had tea with uncle and we just talked about God and I was able to behold His miracles and beauty again :) I really enjoy hanging out with people that devote themselves to the Lord, its always so encouraging. Then talked about problems church workers face , I learn also of the dark side of things. Sometimes people just back stab people. Its also sad to say that even churches also face this problem. I believe that when you see a person more talented than you, PRAY and BLESS them.

Collected my new glasses and went to meet Henry but I felt very cold leh maybe its due to the weather and also that they are super tired or playing dota. Went in and just prayed for them that God will give us good fellowship and sang some hymns on the guitar but kept the volume down.......played basketball and accidentally injured hy and yy sooooo sorrrrryyyyy sisters......

And it RAINED suddenly went back and took cab home with the sisters. Just felt like nothing to talk about leh hehe very tired too. Now I am thinking of how to be used by God to glorify Him.....hmmz


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