Friday, March 6, 2009

Blessed day

Today woke up and prayed :)
I prayed that I can glorify God through my electrical installation mock exam, teacher said that if I can do well in the mock exam then confirm real exam can do well. So I really hoped to glorify Father and I really had the faith to do it :)

Hope is like a dream but Faith turns dreams to reality through Bro Jesus , but it must be something that glorifies His name or a need. Then went to take my mock exam, surprisingly I could do everything. Then I was the first one to go, went to toilet then one of the classmate sms me :"What is bonding and what can be used for earthing......"I was like lol, haiz anyway....bonding is to connect the exposed and extraneous parts to the main earthing terminal and its objective is to keep fault voltage between exposed and extraneous parts to the minimum "

Then went back to class teacher tell me to borrow marker, I thought I did something wrong but he told me to write down my answer to the whole class, I was like Hallelujah God. I got 99 and a 94 so the Average points is 96.5 which is I think an A.

So after that went to play basketball and bath. I watched a very intellectual and artistic movie call "Watchmen". Went to library borrow some books on philosophy and also body building stuff.

I was thinking about some things about morale and sense of right or wrong. I was thinking right or wrong lies in the perception of a person. To a killer to kill a person is "right", but to a normal person it is "wrong". When God created the universe how did He know what actions is "right or wrong", then a thought hit me. If the actions cause damage to His image then it is "wrong", if the action cause glorification to His image then it is "right".

Sometimes we humans have the wrong perception of how things work. To a generation maybe premarital sexuality is "wrong", to another it may be "right". But if you notice the cause and effect you know that it tarnishes and damages the "image" of God. Even though if that person is not a christian it is still "wrong". In Genesis 1:26 it says God created man in His own image.

Picture this, today your father borrow you his car then you crash it. The car is not even yours in the first place. So we have no right to say "right or "wrong"...etc because what we have don't belong to us in the first place but God blessed us with it.

Also one thing interest me :) That God is not in time or space but He transcends all things and everything. Picture this, we humans age, get old, our body are affected by time and space and so we will die someday but God is,was and forever will be ETERNAL :)

However we have something valuable, our souls :)
Then I was thinking something, since I am just a student now how do I glorify God? Then it came onto me....BY living my life for God's glory.

I wanna post something controversial soon, then the readers can think about it :)


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