Sunday, November 9, 2008

new church???

Recently after I visited my uncle's church, after the visit I felt a connection but I was not very sure so I prayed about it, and it seems I feel more and more growth in there.

But I still do attend 2 church at the same time, macedonia and my uncle's church, but I discussed with many elders and brother henry regarding if I should go or stay.

I analysed and think if I were to go to a church I would want.

1 I want To feel God's love
2 I want To grow
3 I want To serve Him
4 I want To lead and bring people to Him

Henry said my first 2 goals were self centered, well I agree but I know my ultimate purpose. To feel His love and to grow may seem self centered I agree but at the end of the day if it is to love Him more and to grow in Him more I don't think it will displease Him.

But I KNOW at the end of the day it is still God's decision, so I want to take myself out of the picture and let God take over me.

I will pray and may I be able to see clearer.

I will not hide anything or ashamed of anything cuz I now at the end of the day nothing is hidden to God. If I am going to other church is to satisfy my vanity or pride then I will be reprimanded if I go is to grow/serve and love Him more then I will be blessed.

But the focus MUST be on GOD, not on me lah....

Do pray for me to see His Will.

"Your will be done not mine"


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