Wednesday, December 3, 2008

interesting books

Wow its already Wednesday and time really past fast. Regarding my last post I wrote something on tests and tribulations, and I suddenly remembered uncle Francis introduce me to a book call "The Screw tape Letters" by C.S Lewis. Its about a demon's views and strategies to tempt us. This high ranking demon call Screw tape writes letter to his nephew which is a lower ranking demon and they talk about how to tempt and lead humans to hell.

They talk about various strategies and I find it very interesting as it is really what we face in this modern world. But it is a very intellectual book so people might find it very hard to read, however if you can understand these strategies you can know how the devil "plays" you and know how to handle these strategies.

I have been doing alot of books recently, books on war strategies power apologetic, haha I want to take these time to learn more about strategy and God.

But I am on a spiritual depression which is very normal to all Christian and people. So I need to use this time to learn and depend on the Lord but it will be a dangerous journey as this stage is when demons brainwash you the most but after this stage its time to serve :)


Blogger Unknown said...

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December 11, 2008 at 3:26 PM  

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