Saturday, January 10, 2009


Today is the longest day I have experienced ever since secondary school, although I slept for 8 hours I still felt tired. And had to help out CCA for the THIRD time!!!!! I had to sell KEROPOK (crackers) and after everything had to sort out and keep 500 dollars worth of keropok which is like a MOUNTAIN.

Then went to century square to watch OngBak2 with tony and suddenly my cousin and pastor George called me to say that they will visit my uncle and aunt today(They just live 2 stories below me) And I was to accompany pastor, which was no prob, prayed and after the movie went home and did some math in uncle's house. Pastor came and we all chatted, it went very well talked about EVERYTHING under the sun, GOD have pastor alot of life experiences so he shared about anything from GOD to oysters lol.

Cousin came home and after the whole visit went to look for pastors car, HE FORGOT WHERE HE PARKED HIS CAR!!! lol Thank GOD we found it and I just said goodbye to pastor and we had a nice chat. Went back to do more math and talked about TPJC and calculus.

Gonna get some Junior College books pretty soon, and during my holidays I can do some calculus :)


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