Thursday, August 14, 2008

Money management

I recently prayed to the LORD for some financial help, so I can be stronger and more independent as a person.....Deep inside me I know that I cannot depend on my parents forever, I have to find a way to generate income.

After reading so many books I found a few that is helpful, one of them is "Secrets of the millionaire mind" by T.Harv Aker. The book is more on mentality of people who are millionaires or simply people who manage their funds efficiently.

Through the book I learned to save my money for different purposes and how to change my money blueprint. A money blueprint is the mentality that has been placed in you or taught to you on how to manage money. Do you notice that some people are just so good and talented in making money grow and to be rich while some keep spending all they earn and never able to make their ends meet.

When we were born, we did not know about money or on how to manage it, it's our parents who taught us about money, and its concept. To some families money is "hard to earn", "evil", "does not grow on trees", to others "money is good", "Money lets us do more", "Money can help others".... These concepts were placed in us by our parents, so subconsciously the way we handle our financial life is through these.

If you can change on how you think about money then you can let money be your servant instead of you master. Many of you may think this is mumbo jumbo, or self physcoing. But I assure you this is not.

Everything in this world is a result, GOD created the earth, so the result is earth, Study hard and the result was I topped the class, Eat unhealthily the result is You will get FAT......

These are the examples, inso money is also a result.....But people always focus on the results without thinking bout the process.....

In order for something to manifest it starts by thought...... Or I should say if you see a fruit tree, the fruits are the results but the start is the ROOTS....

If you got good roots you bear good fruit if you got bad roots you got bad fruits.

You must change the root that is the way you think bout money which is your blueprint.....

Well I just thank GOD for so much wisdom HE have given and the financial help :)


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