Monday, August 11, 2008

Recent thoughts 11-8

Recently I felt that youths nowadays have their lifes upside down, BGR, money, family, body, studies.....they are not focused in on their own respondsiblities and tend to give up on what they are doing easily.

Well take a good look, take a good look aroud the world and your friends. Most of them will have problems either in their studies, or fall in love with a gal or a guy and cant stop fornicating and thinking bout some love story of the both of them together in a happy romantic story, and often REALITY is not like this, and because of these distractions they will SUCK at everything they do, either in GOD, studies, health, family all that.

Some even use GOD as an excuse. I did so when I was in my immature and unwise days around ages 16-17....some people use GOD as a reason to do things, but those are STUPID things......or pray to GOD for some unrealistic stuff....example..."GOD please make that girl/guy by gf/bf, GOD please make me a millionare asap...GOD make me this or GOD make me that....

Are the teens even ANALYSING themselfs and look deep in themself logically......


Emotion plays a part but we are in CONTROL.....cuz GOD gave us the will to do things!!!!

One more thing to say... WE WORSHIP GOD CUZ HE DESERVE TO BE WORSHIPPED BECAUSE HE IS GOD!!!! not because we feel like it!!!

Feelings can be FAKED....GOD is the TRUTH,the WAY and the only LIFE!!!

The problem now is that we have tooooooo many distractions in this world. MY own way of solving is similar to some wise men....LIVE simple and enjoy every moment In THE LORD, Amen.

Live simple does not mean you have to be poor or all that, but simply to HUMBLE your heart and prevent tempting yourself by putting yourselfs in riskful places....aka pub, night clubs, too much tv all that.

GOD made us to enjoy this earth but still we must remember our piorities and respondsibilities.

My normal schedule everyday is to study, go gym. and ocassionally watch a movie and borrow books. But I am starting to enjoy it as I really see the results.

ALWAYS think before you say anything,
ANALYSE yourself and KNOW yourself.
READ know what is happening in the world.
INCREASE your wisdom,
SET goals.
BE rooted in the LORD.

"Father GOD, I come before thee humbled , LORD indeed YE art a great GOD, YE created everything perfectly but we have unbalanced everything and causing chaos , I ask thee that YE may forgive us for our arrogance and sins that are against thee.

Father I ask you that YOU may let our teen's eyes be OPENED, and know what they are doing now, how they are making YOU sad and not pleasing YOU in all their ways.

Father please let us be able, able to accept Thy will no matter what we feel of it. There had been many times that the prophets or saints could not see or accept, like the case of jonas , or of Thy saints, but IN THE END we see the BIGGER PICTURE, they glorified, honoured and PLEASED Thee well LORD.

Father please bring wisdom before the teens of this times, and give them the power and courage to overcome all these distractions and protect them from the lies of the devil, for he is strong but through the blood of our LORD jesus and the power of the SPIRIT, we are free, we BREAK away from all these chains and bonds of the devil...WE ARE FREE IN THE LORD....

Father I ask of you in the name of our beloved Lord JESUS



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